Welcome to the Vine Trail!

The Napa Valley Vine Trail Coalition is a grass-roots nonprofit with a vision to build a walking/biking trail system to connect the entire Napa Valley--physically, artistically, and culturally. WITH YOUR HELP we are working to design, fund, construct, and maintain 47 safe and scenic miles of level, paved, family-friendly, dog-friendly, free-access Class I trail, stretching from the Vallejo Ferry to Calistoga.
The Vine Trail’s supporters have grown to over 5,000 since we started in September 2008. THANK YOU for your support and advocacy! Your dollars and volunteer hours are at the core of our ability to bring this ambitious plan to reality.
The Coalition is our grassroots effort to implement the 2009 Napa Greenway Feasibility Study, a study commissioned by the Napa Valley Transportation Authority (NVTA) that outlined a plan for a multi-use trail from Calistoga to Vallejo.
Throughout this process we pledge to the community that:
- The process will be open and inclusive.
- No vineyard land will be taken out of production.
- All easements, use agreements, etc. will be voluntary.
- Provisions will be made for ongoing maintenance & upkeep.
- The result will be as beautiful as our Napa Valley.
Member Since: 2021